aci multisite on local datacenter

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aci multisite on local datacenter

14.01 2020 | by massimiliano

aci multisite on local datacenter     Cisco ACI Multi-Site design is deployed in a building or a local campus […]

aci multisite on local datacenter



Cisco ACI Multi-Site design is deployed in a building or a local campus with an ultra-high port count for bare-metal server, virtual machine, or container connectivity


A high number of leaf nodes are deployed across separate Cisco ACI fabrics to scale out the deployment and yet limit the scope of the failure domain and manage everything though a single plane.


Cisco ACI Multi-Site cluster virtual machines (in this case, three virtual machines) are deployed on their own separate ESXi host so that there is no single point of failure


all tenant policies can be stretched across all four Cisco ACI sites through the Cisco ACI multi-site interface

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