nexus vpc peer-link keepalive domain config

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nexus vpc peer-link keepalive domain config

19.11 2019 | by massimiliano

VPC TERMINOLOGIA:   vpc = รจ un port-channel tra una coppia di Nexus e qualsiasi altro devices in downstream;   […]



vpc = รจ un port-channel tra una coppia di Nexus e qualsiasi altro devices in downstream;


vpc domain = รจ un dominio di cluster tra una coppia di Nexus ognuno dei quali ha un proprio control-plane


vpc peer-link = รจ un link (generalmente costituito da un port-channel con link a 10G) utilizzato per sincronizzare gli stati presenti nella coppia di Nexus; viene utilizzato il protocollo CFS (Cisco Fabric Service) per l’affidabilitร  di questa sincronizzazione;


vpc keepalive = รจ un link di management (differente rispetto al peer-link) utilizzato per verifica e monitoring dello stato di salute di ciascun Nexus del dominio;


vpc member-port = รจ una porta ethernet appartenente al vpc port-channel;


orphan port = รจ una porta ethernet non appartenente a nessun vpc port-channel (generalmente collegata a terze-parti devices);


vpc split-horizon = รจ attiva la funzionalitร  di split-horizon per evitare loop tra un vpc (traffico entrante in un determinato port-channel non puรฒ uscire dallo stesso port-channel) 







feature privilege

cfs ipv4 distribute
cfs eth distribute

feature lacp
feature vpc


vpc domain 10
role priority 4000
system-priority 4000
peer-keepalive destination source


ip arp syncronize


spanning-tree vlan < range > priority 4096

spanning-tree port type edge bpduguard default

interface port-channel10
description to Nexus-02
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type network
vpc peer-link

no shut


interface Ethernet1/1
description to Nexus-02
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 10 mode active
no shutdown


interface Ethernet1/2
description to Nexus-02
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 10 mode active
no shutdown


vrf context management


interface mgmt0
vrf member management
ip address


switch-profile Nexus
sync-peers destination





NEXUS-01# show vpc


                (*) – local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id                     : 10 

Peer status                       : peer adjacency formed ok     

vPC keep-alive status             : peer is alive                

Configuration consistency status  : success

Per-vlan consistency status       : success                      

Type-2 consistency status         : success

vPC role                          : primary, operational secondary

Number of vPCs configured         : 3  

Peer Gateway                      : Disabled

Peer gateway excluded VLANs       : –

Dual-active excluded VLANs        : –

Graceful Consistency Check        : Enabled

Auto-recovery status              : Enabled (timeout = 240 seconds)


vPC Peer-link status


id   Port   Status Active vlans   

—   —-   —— ————————————————–

1    Po10   up     < range >                                    



vPC status


id   Port   Status Consistency Reason                     Active vlans

—   —-   —— ———– ——                     ————

11   Po11   up     success     success                    < range >        


312  Po312  up     success     success                    < range >    


313  Po313  up     success     success                    < range >    






feature privilege

cfs ipv4 distribute
cfs eth distribute

feature lacp
feature vpc


vpc domain 10
role priority 8000
system-priority 4000
peer-keepalive destination source


ip arp syncronize


spanning-tree vlan < range > priority 4096

spanning-tree port type edge bpduguard default

interface port-channel10
description to Nexus-01
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type network
vpc peer-link

no shut


interface Ethernet1/1
description to Nexus-01
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 10 mode active
no shutdown


interface Ethernet1/2
description to Nexus-01
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 10 mode active
no shutdown


vrf context management


interface mgmt0
vrf member management
ip address


switch-profile Nexus
sync-peers destination





NEXUS-02# show vpc


                (*) – local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id                     : 10 

Peer status                       : peer adjacency formed ok     

vPC keep-alive status             : peer is alive                

Configuration consistency status  : success

Per-vlan consistency status       : success                      

Type-2 consistency status         : success

vPC role                          : secondary, operational primary

Number of vPCs configured         : 3  

Peer Gateway                      : Disabled

Peer gateway excluded VLANs       : –

Dual-active excluded VLANs        : –

Graceful Consistency Check        : Enabled

Auto-recovery status              : Enabled (timeout = 240 seconds)


vPC Peer-link status


id   Port   Status Active vlans   

—   —-   —— ————————————————–

1    Po10   up     < range >                                    



vPC status


id   Port   Status Consistency Reason                     Active vlans

—   —-   —— ———– ——                     ————

11   Po11   up     success     success                    < range >        


312  Po312  up     success     success                    < range >    


313  Po313  up     success     success                    < range >    


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