Ethernet OAM (operation administration mantenance) with router cisco ASR9K
02.03 2022 | by massimilianoEthernet OAM (operation administration mantenance) with router cisco ASR9K Ethernet OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintanance) รจ un meccanismo di […]
Ethernet OAM (operation administration mantenance) with router cisco ASR9K
Ethernet OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintanance) รจ un meccanismo di controllo della operativitร di un link P2P e lavora attaverso:
- link monitoring
- remote failure detection
- remote loopback control
ed utlizza frame conosciute come OAMPDU standardizzate in IEEE 802.3ah clause 57); per link monitoring si intende la trasmissione di OAMPDU in modo periodico e trasportano informazioni relative
a capability ed event notification.
Dying gasp si riferisce al remote failure indication e le OAMPDU sono trasmesse in caso di down di un nodo; dedicate codifiche sono create in relazioni al tipo di evento (admin shutdown, power loss, reboot).
Il peer neighbor che riceve queste OAMPDU reagisce secondo lโazione configurata.
- SNMP trap
- Syslog message
- Interface disable
- Active interworking mechanism
Remote loopback รจ utile per differenti use-case in particolare per operazioni di troubleshooting (service turn-up, post service turn-up, out of service testing)
Si riporta la configurazione OAM di un P_router T1600:
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management traceoptions file traceoam
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management traceoptions file size 4m
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management traceoptions flag protocol
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_basic event link-adjacency-loss
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_basic action syslog
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_events event link-event-rate symbol-period 4
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_events event link-event-rate frame-error 4
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_events action syslog
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_back-adj event link-adjacency-loss
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_back-adj action syslog
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_back-frameperiod event link-event-rate frame-period 1
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_back-frameperiod action syslog
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_back-symbol event link-event-rate symbol-period 1
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management action-profile oam_back-symbol action syslog
Oltre a creare dei traceoption per debugging OAM, si creano cinque profile assegnando ad essi degli eventi e relative azioni:
I suddetti profile sono poi applicate alle interfacce (si riportano alcuni esempi):
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-2/0/2 apply-action-profile oam_back-symbol
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-2/0/2 apply-action-profile oam_back-frameperiod
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-2/0/2 apply-action-profile oam_back-adj
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-2/0/2 pdu-interval 500
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-2/0/2 link-discovery active
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-2/0/2 pdu-threshold 3
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-2/0/2 event-thresholds symbol-period 1
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-2/0/2 event-thresholds frame-error 1
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface ge-0/0/0 apply-action-profile oam_events
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface ge-0/0/0 apply-action-profile oam_basic
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface ge-0/0/0 pdu-interval 1000
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface ge-0/0/0 link-discovery passive
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface ge-0/0/0 pdu-threshold 5
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface ge-0/0/0 event-thresholds symbol-period 4
set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface ge-0/0/0 event-thresholds frame-error 4
La logica applicate รจ quella di assegnare alle interface 10G gli ultimi tre profili indicati nella tabella e settare un link-discovery active
Sulla base di questa configurazione Junos, andiamo ad applicare le stesse logiche sugli ASR9910 P_router:
Vengono configurati due profili:
1ยฐ profile
ethernet oam profile OAM-DISCOVERY-ACTIVE
symbol-period window 1000
frame-period window 1000
symbol-period threshold symbols low 1 high 4 frame threshold low 1 high 4
connection timeout 3
hello-interval 500 msec
mode active
require-remote mode active
require-remote link-monitoring
require-remote mib-retrieval
La config action SYSLOG รจ di default in Cisco
ethernet oam profile OAM-DISCOVERY-PASSIVE
symbol-period window 1000
frame-period window 1000
symbol-period threshold symbols low 1 high 4 frame threshold low 1 high 4
connection timeout 5
hello-interval 1000 msec
mode active
require-remote mode passive
require-remote link-monitoring
require-remote mib-retrieval
La config action SYSLOG รจ di default in Cisco
Il profili active viene poi applicato alle interfacce secondo questa configurazione:
interface TenGigE0/0/0/0
description to-P-router
ethernet oam
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/4
description to-P_router
ethernet oam
mpls oam
1) OAM discovery
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P_TEST#show ethernet oam discovery
Fri Jul 10 10:06:50.356 UTC
Local client
Administrative configuration:
PDU revision: 22
Mode: Active
Unidirectional support: N
Link monitor support: Y
Remote loopback support: N
MIB retrieval support: N
Maximum PDU size: 1500
Mis-wiring detection key: 7BCD51
Operational status:
Port status: Operational
Loopback status: None
Interface mis-wired: N
Remote client
MAC address: 001d.b5f9.123d
Vendor (OUI): 00.90.69
Administrative configuration:
PDU revision: 1
Mode: Active
Unidirectional support: N
Link monitor support: Y
Remote loopback support: N
MIB retrieval support: N
Maximum PDU size: 1500
Local client
Administrative configuration:
PDU revision: 15
Mode: Active
Unidirectional support: N
Link monitor support: Y
Remote loopback support: N
MIB retrieval support: N
Maximum PDU size: 1500
Mis-wiring detection key: AC5070
Operational status:
Port status: Operational
Loopback status: None
Interface mis-wired: N
Remote client
MAC address: f80f.6f58.c601
Vendor (OUI): 00.00.0C (Cisco)
Administrative configuration:
PDU revision: 59896
Mode: Active
Unidirectional support: N
Link monitor support: Y
Remote loopback support: N
MIB retrieval support: N
Maximum PDU size: 1500
Local client
Administrative configuration:
PDU revision: 15
Mode: Active
Unidirectional support: N
Link monitor support: Y
Remote loopback support: N
MIB retrieval support: N
Maximum PDU size: 1500
Mis-wiring detection key: 2316AC
Operational status:
Port status: Operational
Loopback status: None
Interface mis-wired: N
Remote client
MAC address: f80f.6f4b.d301
Vendor (OUI): 00.00.0C (Cisco)
Administrative configuration:
PDU revision: 59894
Mode: Active
Unidirectional support: N
Link monitor support: Y
Remote loopback support: N
MIB retrieval support: N
Maximum PDU size: 1500
2) OAM configuration
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P_TEST#show ethernet oam configuration
Fri Jul 10 10:06:58.550 UTC
Hello interval: 1s
Link monitoring enabled: Y
Remote loopback enabled: N
Mib retrieval enabled: N
Uni-directional link-fault detection enabled: N
Configured mode: Active
Connection timeout: 3
Symbol period window (ms): 0
Symbol period low threshold (symbols): 1
Symbol period high threshold (symbols): 4
Frame window (ms): 1000
Frame low threshold: 1
Frame high threshold: 4
Frame period window (ms): 1000
Frame period low threshold (ppm): 1
Frame period high threshold (ppm): None
Frame seconds window (ms): 60000
Frame seconds low threshold: 1
Frame seconds high threshold: None
High threshold action: None
Link fault action: Log
Dying gasp action: Log
Critical event action: Log
Discovery timeout action: Log
Capabilities conflict action: Log
Wiring conflict action: Error-Disable
Session up action: Log
Session down action: Log
Remote loopback action: Log
Require remote mode: Active
Require remote MIB retrieval: N
Require remote loopback support: N
Require remote link monitoring: Y
Hello interval: 1s
Link monitoring enabled: Y
Remote loopback enabled: N
Mib retrieval enabled: N
Uni-directional link-fault detection enabled: N
Configured mode: Active
Connection timeout: 3
Symbol period window (ms): 0
Symbol period low threshold (symbols): 1
Symbol period high threshold (symbols): 4
Frame window (ms): 1000
Frame low threshold: 1
Frame high threshold: 4
Frame period window (ms): 1000
Frame period low threshold (ppm): 1
Frame period high threshold (ppm): None
Frame seconds window (ms): 60000
Frame seconds low threshold: 1
Frame seconds high threshold: None
High threshold action: None
Link fault action: Log
Dying gasp action: Log
Critical event action: Log
Discovery timeout action: Log
Capabilities conflict action: Log
Wiring conflict action: Error-Disable
Session up action: Log
Session down action: Log
Remote loopback action: Log
Require remote mode: Active
Require remote MIB retrieval: N
Require remote loopback support: N
Require remote link monitoring: Y
Hello interval: 1s
Link monitoring enabled: Y
Remote loopback enabled: N
Mib retrieval enabled: N
Uni-directional link-fault detection enabled: N
Configured mode: Active
Connection timeout: 3
Symbol period window (ms): 0
Symbol period low threshold (symbols): 1
Symbol period high threshold (symbols): 4
Frame window (ms): 1000
Frame low threshold: 1
Frame high threshold: 4
Frame period window (ms): 1000
Frame period low threshold (ppm): 1
Frame period high threshold (ppm): None
Frame seconds window (ms): 60000
Frame seconds low threshold: 1
Frame seconds high threshold: None
High threshold action: None
Link fault action: Log
Dying gasp action: Log
Critical event action: Log
Discovery timeout action: Log
Capabilities conflict action: Log
Wiring conflict action: Error-Disable
Session up action: Log
Session down action: Log
Remote loopback action: Log
Require remote mode: Active
Require remote MIB retrieval: N
Require remote loopback support: N
Require remote link monitoring: Y
3) AOM summary
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P_TEST#show ethernet oam summary
Fri Jul 10 10:07:10.790 UTC
Link OAM System Summary
Profiles: 2
Interfaces: 4
Interface states
Port down: 1
Passive wait: 0
Active send: 0
Operational: 3
Loopback mode: 0
Miswired connections: 0
Events: 1
Local: 0
Symbol period: 0
Frame: 0
Frame period: 0
Frame seconds: 0
Remote: 1
Symbol period: 1
Frame: 0
Frame period: 0
Frame seconds: 0
Recent Event Logs
Local Action Taken:
N/A – No action needed EFD – Interface brought down using EFD
None – No action taken Err.D – Interface error-disabled
Logged – System logged
4) AOM statistics
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P_TEST#show ethernet oam statistics
Fri Jul 10 10:07:15.410 UTC
Information OAMPDU Tx 256535
Information OAMPDU Rx 256866
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Tx 0
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Rx 1
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU Tx 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU Rx 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Tx 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Rx 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Tx 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Rx 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Tx 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Rx 0
Organization Specific OAMPDU Tx 0
Organization Specific OAMPDU Rx 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Tx 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Rx 0
Frames Lost due to OAM 0
Fixed frames Rx 0
Local event logs
Errored Symbol Period records 0
Errored Frame records 0
Errored Frame Period records 0
Errored Frame Second records 0
Remote event logs
Errored Symbol Period records 1
Errored Frame records 0
Errored Frame Period records 0
Errored Frame Second records 0
Information OAMPDU Tx 256532
Information OAMPDU Rx 256436
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Tx 0
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Rx 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU Tx 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU Rx 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Tx 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Rx 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Tx 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Rx 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Tx 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Rx 0
Organization Specific OAMPDU Tx 0
Organization Specific OAMPDU Rx 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Tx 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Rx 0
Frames Lost due to OAM 0
Fixed frames Rx 0
Local event logs
Errored Symbol Period records 0
Errored Frame records 0
Errored Frame Period records 0
Errored Frame Second records 0
Remote event logs
Errored Symbol Period records 0
Errored Frame records 0
Errored Frame Period records 0
Errored Frame Second records 0
Information OAMPDU Tx 256529
Information OAMPDU Rx 256446
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Tx 0
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Rx 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU Tx 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU Rx 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Tx 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Rx 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Tx 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Rx 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Tx 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Rx 0
Organization Specific OAMPDU Tx 0
Organization Specific OAMPDU Rx 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Tx 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Rx 0
Frames Lost due to OAM 0
Fixed frames Rx 0
Local event logs
Errored Symbol Period records 0
Errored Frame records 0
Errored Frame Period records 0
Errored Frame Second records 0
Remote event logs
Errored Symbol Period records 0
Errored Frame records 0
Errored Frame Period records 0
Errored Frame Second records 0
5) AOM summary
PE1-router#show ethernet oam summary
Symbols: * – Master Loopback State, # – Slave Loopback State
& – Error Block State
Capability codes: L – Link Monitor, R – Remote Loopback
U – Unidirection, V – Variable Retrieval
Local Remote
Interface MAC Address OUI Mode Capability
Gi0/0/1 4c71.0d31.489c 00000C active L
6) OAM status
PE1-router#show ethernet oam status
Admin state: enabled
Mode: active
PDU max rate: 10 packets per second
PDU min rate: 1 packet per 1000 ms
Link timeout: 5000 ms
High threshold action: no action
Link fault action: no action
Dying gasp action: no action
Critical event action: no action
Link Monitoring
Status: supported (on)
Symbol Period Error
Window: 100 x 1048576 symbols
Low threshold: 10 error symbol(s)
High threshold: 30 error symbol(s)
Frame Error
Window: 10 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 10 error frame(s)
High threshold: 30 error frame(s)
Frame Period Error
Window: 1000 x 10000 frames
Low threshold: 10 error frame(s)
High threshold: 30 error frame(s)
Frame Seconds Error
Window: 100 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 1 error second(s)
High threshold: none
Receive-Frame CRC Error
Window: 10 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 10 error frame(s)
High threshold: none
Transmit-Frame CRC Error: Not Supported
7) OAM statistics
PE1-router#show ethernet oam statistics
Information OAMPDU Tx : 576052
Information OAMPDU Rx : 576252
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Tx : 0
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Rx : 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU TX : 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU RX : 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Tx : 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Rx : 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Tx : 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Rx : 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Tx : 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Rx : 0
Cisco OAMPDU Tx : 0
Cisco OAMPDU Rx : 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Tx : 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Rx : 0
Frames Lost due to OAM : 0
Local Faults:
0 Link Fault records
0 Dying Gasp records
0 Critical Event records
Remote Faults:
0 Link Fault records
0 Dying Gasp records
0 Critical Event records
Local event logs:
0 Errored Symbol Period records
0 Errored Frame records
0 Errored Frame Period records
0 Errored Frame Second records
Remote event logs:
0 Errored Symbol Period records
0 Errored Frame records
0 Errored Frame Period records
0 Errored Frame Second records
8) OAM discovery
R-MPLS-RMN-TEST-1#show ethernet oam discovery
Local client
Administrative configurations:
Mode: active
Unidirection: not supported
Link monitor: supported (on)
Remote loopback: not supported
MIB retrieval: not supported
Mtu size: 1500
Operational status:
Port status: operational
Loopback status: no loopback
PDU revision: 60095
Remote client
MAC address: 4c71.0d31.489c
Vendor(oui): 00000C(cisco)
Administrative configurations:
PDU revision: 15
Mode: active
Unidirection: not supported
Link monitor: supported
Remote loopback: not supported
MIB retrieval: not supported
Mtu size: 1500
FROM PE2-router
9) OAM summary
PE2-router#show ethernet oam summary
Symbols: * – Master Loopback State, # – Slave Loopback State
& – Error Block State
Capability codes: L – Link Monitor, R – Remote Loopback
U – Unidirection, V – Variable Retrieval
Local Remote
Interface MAC Address OUI Mode Capability
Gi0/0/1 4c71.0d31.489d 00000C active L
Gi0/0/2 001d.b5f9.1041 009069 active L
10) OAM status
PE2-router#show ethernet oam status
Admin state: enabled
Mode: active
PDU max rate: 10 packets per second
PDU min rate: 1 packet per 1000 ms
Link timeout: 5000 ms
High threshold action: no action
Link fault action: no action
Dying gasp action: no action
Critical event action: no action
Link Monitoring
Status: supported (on)
Symbol Period Error
Window: 100 x 1048576 symbols
Low threshold: 10 error symbol(s)
High threshold: 30 error symbol(s)
Frame Error
Window: 600 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 10 error frame(s)
High threshold: 30 error frame(s)
Frame Period Error
Window: 1000 x 10000 frames
Low threshold: 10 error frame(s)
High threshold: 30 error frame(s)
Frame Seconds Error
Window: 100 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 1 error second(s)
High threshold: none
Receive-Frame CRC Error
Window: 10 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 10 error frame(s)
High threshold: none
Transmit-Frame CRC Error: Not Supported
Admin state: enabled
Mode: active
PDU max rate: 10 packets per second
PDU min rate: 1 packet per 1000 ms
Link timeout: 5000 ms
High threshold action: no action
Link fault action: no action
Dying gasp action: no action
Critical event action: no action
Link Monitoring
Status: supported (on)
Symbol Period Error
Window: 100 x 1048576 symbols
Low threshold: 10 error symbol(s)
High threshold: 30 error symbol(s)
Frame Error
Window: 10 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 10 error frame(s)
11) OAM statistics
PE2-router#show ethernet oam statistics
Information OAMPDU Tx : 579225
Information OAMPDU Rx : 579410
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Tx : 0
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Rx : 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU TX : 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU RX : 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Tx : 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Rx : 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Tx : 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Rx : 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Tx : 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Rx : 0
Cisco OAMPDU Tx : 0
Cisco OAMPDU Rx : 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Tx : 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Rx : 0
Frames Lost due to OAM : 0
Local Faults:
0 Link Fault records
0 Dying Gasp records
0 Critical Event records
Remote Faults:
0 Link Fault records
0 Dying Gasp records
0 Critical Event records
Local event logs:
0 Errored Symbol Period records
0 Errored Frame records
0 Errored Frame Period records
0 Errored Frame Second records
Remote event logs:
0 Errored Symbol Period records
0 Errored Frame records
0 Errored Frame Period records
0 Errored Frame Second records
Information OAMPDU Tx : 580491
Information OAMPDU Rx : 581878
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Tx : 0
Unique Event Notification OAMPDU Rx : 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU TX : 0
Duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU RX : 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Tx : 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Rx : 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Tx : 0
Variable Request OAMPDU Rx : 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Tx : 0
Variable Response OAMPDU Rx : 0
Cisco OAMPDU Tx : 0
Cisco OAMPDU Rx : 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Tx : 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Rx : 0
Frames Lost due to OAM : 0
Local Faults:
0 Link Fault records
0 Dying Gasp records
0 Critical Event records
Remote Faults:
0 Link Fault records
0 Dying Gasp records
0 Critical Event records
Local event logs:
0 Errored Symbol Period records
0 Errored Frame records
0 Errored Frame Period records
0 Errored Frame Second records
Remote event logs:
0 Errored Symbol Period records
0 Errored Frame records
0 Errored Frame Period records
0 Errored Frame Second records
12) OAM discovery
PE2-router#show ethernet oam discovery
Local client
Administrative configurations:
Mode: active
Unidirection: not supported
Link monitor: supported (on)
Remote loopback: not supported
MIB retrieval: not supported
Mtu size: 1500
Operational status:
Port status: operational
Loopback status: no loopback
PDU revision: 60187
Remote client
MAC address: 4c71.0d31.489d
Vendor(oui): 00000C(cisco)
Administrative configurations:
PDU revision: 15
Mode: active
Unidirection: not supported
Link monitor: supported
Remote loopback: not supported
MIB retrieval: not supported
Mtu size: 1500
Local client
Administrative configurations:
Mode: active
Unidirection: not supported
Link monitor: supported (on)
Remote loopback: not supported
MIB retrieval: not supported
Mtu size: 1500
Operational status:
Port status: operational
Loopback status: no loopback
PDU revision: 0
Remote client
MAC address: 001d.b5f9.1041
Vendor(oui): 009069
Administrative configurations:
PDU revision: 1
Mode: active
Unidirection: not supported
Link monitor: supported
Remote loopback: not supported
MIB retrieval: not supported
Mtu size: 1500