Nexus: schema di configurazione QinQ tra router MX960 – Nexus fabricpath
12.03 2024 | by massimilianoschema di riferimento N5K-A e B configuration edge trunk vlan 10name virtual-switch-10mode fabricpathvlan 20name virtual-switch-20mode fabricpathvlan 30name virtual-switch-30mode fabricpath!spanning-tree vlan […]
schema di riferimento

N5K-A e B configuration edge trunk
vlan 10
name virtual-switch-10
mode fabricpath
vlan 20
name virtual-switch-20
mode fabricpath
vlan 30
name virtual-switch-30
mode fabricpath
spanning-tree vlan 10, 20, 30 priority 8192
interface port-channel1
description peer-link
switchport mode fabricpath
vpc peer-link
interface port-channel6
description VPC_vs_SPINE-6004
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type edge trunk
speed 10000
vpc 6
interface Ethernet1/7
description “vPC to N6K-A”
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 6 mode active
interface Ethernet1/8
description “vPC to N6K-B”
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 6 mode active
N6K-A e B configuration tunneling QinQ
vlan 100
name S-Tag-100
mode fabricpath
vlan 200
name S-Tag-200
mode fabricpath
vlan 300
name S-Tag-300
mode fabricpath
spanning-tree vlan 100, 200, 300 priority 4096
interface port-channel100
description “B2B to N6K-B”
switchport mode fabricpath
spanning-tree port type network
speed 10000
vpc peer-link
fabricpath topology-member 1
interface port-channel6
description “to N5K-A-B”
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switchport access vlan 100
speed 10000
vpc 6
interface port-channel10
description “to PE1 ae10”
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200,300
speed 10000
vpc 10
interface port-channel11
description to PE2 ae10”
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200,300
speed 10000
vpc 11
interface Ethernet1/1/1
description “B2B to N6K eth 1/1/1”
switchport mode fabricpath
channel-group 100 mode active
interface Ethernet3/1/1
description “B2B to N6K eth 3/1/1”
switchport mode fabricpath
channel-group 100 mode active
interface Ethernet3/3/1
description “to N5K-A”
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switchport access vlan 100
channel-group 6 mode active
interface Ethernet3/3/2
description “to N5K-B”
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switchport access vlan 100
channel-group 6 mode active
interface Ethernet1/2/1
description “to PE1 xe-3/1/0
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200,300
channel-group 10 mode active
interface Ethernet2/2/1
description “to PE2 xe-3/0/0”
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200,300
channel-group 11 mode active
MX960 Configuration PE1 – PE2
xe-3/0/0 {
description “to_Nexus-N6K-A”;
gigether-options {
802.3ad ae10;
xe-3/1/1 {
description “to_Nexus-N6K-B”;
gigether-options {
802.3ad ae10;
ae10 {
description “to_Nexus_N6K p vpc 10”; —- (per PE2 to vPC 11)
mtu 9192;
encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services;
aggregated-ether-options {
lacp {
unit 100 {
encapsulation vlan-bridge;
vlan-tags outer 100;
family bridge {
filter {
input ARP-COUNT;
interface-mode trunk;
inner-vlan-id-list 10;
unit 200 {
encapsulation vlan-bridge;
vlan-tags outer 200;
family bridge {
interface-mode trunk;
inner-vlan-id-list 20;
unit 300 {
encapsulation vlan-bridge;
vlan-tags outer 300;
family bridge {
interface-mode trunk;
inner-vlan-id-list 30;
instance-type virtual-switch;
interface ae10.100;
bridge-domains {
VL-10 {
vlan-id 10;
interface ae8.10;
instance-type virtual-switch;
interface ae10.200;
bridge-domains {
VL-20 {
vlan-id 20;
interface ae8.20;
instance-type virtual-switch;
interface ae10.300;
protocols {
vstp {
system-id 00:00:00:00:00:03;
vlan 300 {
bridge-priority 4k;
interface ae8.30;